
Sunday, December 5, 2010

While I'm on a role and still lying in bed

I figure this is newsworthy: I'm watching Pregnancy Pact on tv right now. How weird is that? (not the fact that I am watching it but that it is on tv down here.). I worry about things like this that air and give people a warped view of what Americans are really like.

For example, when you've never visited the U.S. and don't understand the nuances of the culture it's difficult to understand that a show like Jersey Shore is more a fascination with a grotesque group of people and the way they live more than a true representation of la vida.

My movie review:
It sucks. There are all these pregnant girls walking around the high school and the principal frowning a lot. They also talk like Gloucestor is a tiny hobunk town isolated from the world. (While I am reviewing movies I will also mention that the Miley Cyrus movie also sucked.).

Sidenote, only watch if you are really bored:

I was gonna just put up the trailer for the movie but I watched this Associated Press video on the pact and was impressed by how shittily made it was. It's just a collection of a camera man zooming in on girl's asses, blurry shots of people walking and they find the only guy in Gloucestor with a British accent to interview. I feel like that is a dead give away for a hastily made news video: don't want to do a lot of research or spend time finding an expert to talk to? Just find a British guy because no matter what he will sound intelligent even though he has no idea what he is talking about. (and Amen Linda Dolan, I hear ya sister.).

P.S. Do we know what happened to all these babies? We're going to be the 17 best friends that anyone has ever had . . .

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