
Monday, December 20, 2010

My French roommates had French guests over, when I got back to the apartment I had clearly averted the most miserable 5 hours of my life

On Saturday night I luckily had plans and went out for the night. As I was leaving a bunch of French people were showing up for what we will call a mixer that my french roommates were hosting in the apartment. It easily would have been one of the most miserable nights here if I had stayed based on the evidence I found when I got home.

Fucking Crepes:

Fucking wine:

I don't care how thin you can make your pancakes until you shave your armpits and put on deodorant, then come talk to me. Oh, and take care of the peanut butter that you have permanently stuck in your throat. "Sahaghh, Sahaghh," Dude, the names "Sarah," clear your throat after you're done saying the name not during.

Kill me, kill me now.

Sidenote: I had a sushi that night, I don't know what everyone in the world is smoking but that shit is so gross. This guy Max showed up to the party with sushi and everyone was all over him and he started mixing drinks and everyone thought he was the greatest thing in the world. Let me tell you, I tried that sushi and sushi is bottom line cold, slimy, and gross and in no way has it earned the reputation it has.

On a second sidenote which I find to be more relevant than the above sidenote, my french roommates confronted me on Saturday morning about my failure to clean the sponge after I am doing using it to clean the dishes. Does that even classify as a real thing that someone is allowed to get upset over?

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