
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Come Visit Stefan Picture of the Day

I live across from the Palestinian Embassy. I originally was going to say that we go buy some cheap booze, get drunk on my rooftop terraza (which I have never actually seen because I think someone lost the key) and with the excess alcohol make some nice molotov cocktails to toss over and turn my block into the Gaza Strip. That was what I was originally going to say. Now that I recently discovered a firework store a few blocks from my house I think it will probably be a much better idea to go there for the explosives, really do some damage and stir things up, bring the Middle East to us.

Note that they don't really open their windows to the daylight. Clearly we are going to need something stronger than bottle rockets: insert video of shooting bottle rockets out of wiffleball bat here (no video exists on youtube, has no one else ever done that?)

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