
Monday, December 6, 2010

I broke the damn pole that holds up my curtain that gives me privacy

 Woops. I really should just fix it. But for the time being I have my dress shirts and a bag of trash strategically hanging from different points on the window to give me a modest level of privacy. (You may note one of the dress shirts is in fact a towel masquerading as a dress shirt, if you did gold star for.). (I'm also getting sick of doing this retarded double period thing so someone please give me a definitive ruling, I mean you teacher of kids who can't read good.).

What makes me have very little privacy is due to the fact that the apartment is laid out in a U formation where my room and the kitchen are on opposite inner sides of the walls of the U and their windows look out on each other.
But all in all it really isn't that big of deal since deep down I am a bit of an exhibitionist. I enjoy a good audience for my morning calisthenics.

PS. I also never really realized how much like a jail cell my room looks until I took the above picture. I'm going to walk out of this place a changed man. hopefully no one tries to rape me in the butt while I am in the shower.

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