
Monday, December 20, 2010

Do these Argentinean commercials make any sense?

Ok, so this first one has got me puzzled. This is what I do know or at the least I am pretty sure about:
- It's a commercial for a mall
- The two people in the commercial are in love

The rest is a mystery.
- So they both go to the mall to pick out the perfect outfit to profess their love for each other? But it takes 50 years to pick out the perfect outfit? and it's really cute after 50 years that they match?
- Or is that they have been going to the same mall for 50 years to shop and it has played an important role in their relationship?
- Or are they trying to say that in 50 years this is how I am going to look to see if they will still be enamorado?

Commercial 2:

This is a commercial for Fibertel, the internet service provider in Argentina.

She is trying to sleep during the day because she was out dancing all night after working hard all week but has to justify her actions to the bird and luckily she speaks bird? I think that's what is going on but what I don't get is the connection to the internet.

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