
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Puppy Pic of the Day

So I feel like I´ve lost my edge with my witticisms. I largely blame it on the fact that I have to use whatever random computer I can get my hands on and have a limited time period versus when I was in Buenos Aires and had no friends and when brilliance struckcould grab my comp and it would just flow out of me. Now I am relying on the shock and awe of Chilean food, the cuteness of the pups, and the sillyness of the t-shirts. Don´t worry I´m pretty sure I´ll find my stride again.

Anyway this little guy lives on top of Cerro San Cristobol, the main big hill/touristy spot in the city. I asked the information booth if it was the same dog from two years ago and in fact this time I was correct and it is. He usually wanders around this really big outdoor chapel on the top of the hill and keeps security company. I´m pretty sure he started out a stray but now he has a collar with his name (which I don´t remember) and everything.

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