
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Food Pic of the Day: The Grand Daddies of Them All

A) Steak Pizza
That's a steak on your pizza. Simple as that.

B) Steak and Friends Pizza

C) Green Beans and Friends Pizza next to hot dog friend (repeat)

So this has to be done: Sidebar poll question, which slice of pizza would you least like to eat? We've got the above steak pizza, which is literally just pieces of steak on top of a pizza. The one below it, which is another steak on top of your pizza but also has a little extra sumnthin sumthin going on. Lastly, a previous featured slice which I am bringing back because I recently realized that underneath the green bean party and tomatoes, there are actually pieces of chicken.

For me I think this is quite simple. In my eyes worst case scenario, doomsday for me would be one of the two steak based pizzas. I can easily do the green bean and friends pizza. Chicken is a pretty normal topping for a pizza and from what I can see I am only dealing with tomato and green beans on top of that. That being said the mayoniesse and avocado hot dog next to it, would in fact probably kill me and win the competition. but that is neither here nor there.

Now, with all three of these what I worry about is what is hidden underneath the layer of meat. There could definitely be a lubricating layer of mayo or something to stick everything in place. That could get me into trouble.

For my final decision of doomsday slice that I never want to eat, it would have to be B) Steak and friends. After much thought and hours of contemplation I changed from A. Let me explain the ever intriguing road I took to come to this decision:

I initially was going to say A) Steak Pizza was worst case scenario due to sheer looks. Just the fact that it looked nothing like a pizza completely threw me. At first I didn't think Steak and Friends looked so bad because it had the basic appearance of a slice of pizza. You got you tomatoes and a couple other things that make it look like a pizza: ie. the green stuff kind of can appear to be basil and the white, cheese right?? So in a flash case decision, like in a timed game of chess, I think this pizza would survive and not be deemed the worst. However once you take a minute to investigate the toppings you see that the white and green are mayo and avocado. Boom, check mate, you lose, I'm choking back vomit as I try and get that sucker down.

(Poll is on right hand sidebar, I will be happy to reach 5 votes. no hanging chads.)

1 comment:

  1. it seems that chile can make things that are normally delicious look like the type of food id gnaw my arm off before eating. how do they do it?
