
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Life with strays in Santiago

So as of this morning I am finishing up a string of working 11 days, 10 overnight shifts at the hostel. I've become a vampire and am slowly dying. In my free time I go around biting people and avoiding stakes being shoved into my heart.

It is kind of difficult to sleep on the overnight shift, especially if there is anyone out because you worry that you are going to sleep through them trying to come back in and they will get raped and pillaged by the vagrants outside. And when I do sleep, I've been drooling like a motherfucker. I think its from being so tired I lose the ablity to swallow and wake up in a puddle of my own spittle.  Needless to say, by the time the morning rolls around I am pretty tired . . . (and my mouth is very dry).

On one of the mornings a few days ago, Cata, who is the manager and one of the receptionists, arrived to relieve me of duty and was followed from the train station by a couple of very friendly stray dogs. It was pretty awesome to come down in the morning after a long night and have these two dogs to play with and spoil with some treats.

Sorry, I know, not exactly the most exciting video, but I just thought it was cool to include. People think it is neat feeding dolphins and seals and stuff, I get my rocks off feeding hungry strays on the street. Again, if I said it a million times, I'll say it a million more, Santiago strays are just the friendliest and most well-behaved creatures on the planet.

From a couple years ago in Chile:

It reminds me of Monday Night Football with this guy's commentary and how they keep showing replays and reverse angle of the dog getting laid out by the car and truck. The only thing he leaves out is, "If you come across the middle like that you have to expect to be hit."

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