
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Puppy Pic of the Day

This big ol´ pup is from Barrio Brasil. At first I swore it was the same dog from two years ago that Joe and I once saw after class because a) it was on the same corner as before and b) it is so incredibly incredibly obese like the dog we saw. I´ve come to grips with reality and realized that it can´t be the same because that dog was so fat that when Joe and I saw it it couldn´t roll over off it´s back and get on it´s feet and probably by now has died. When we saw him it was really funny because there were two old ladies standing over him and cooing at him, giggling, and encouraging him to get off his back.

My new theory is that the little kiosco on the corner spoils the shit out of stray dogs and this perrito has chosen to camp out on this corner with the kiosco guy and has hence become one obese doggie.

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