
Monday, February 28, 2011

According to my mom: Ted Kennedy, the original Charlie Sheen

Boston Herald
An explosive FBI file on the late U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy now reportedly reveals he “made arrangements to rent a brothel” in Chile in 1961 while on a swing through South America, according to newly released documents obtained by Judicial Watch.
The new passages allege Kennedy, 29 at the time, was on a tour of Chile, Mexico and other surrounding countries while serving as an assistant district attorney in Suffolk County. Those documents, according to Judicial Watch and several other news organizations quoting the State Department memo, state Kennedy was on a mission to talk to “angry young men” in the region. Records state he was seeking out "Leftists." The same page also states an official in Lima, Peru, called the young visitor "pompous" and a "spoiled brat."

Judicial Watch states one passage reads: “While Kennedy was in Santiago he made arrangements to ‘rent’ a brothel for an entire night. Kennedy allegedly invited one of the Embassy chauffeurs to participate in the night’s activities.”

Ahh, the rare delight I get from when my two lives intersect. When I post articles like this, I like to treat it like a reading assignment for school and highlight the important points:

- This is while his brother was in his first year of his presidency . . . Way to represent the US abroad, Ted.
- I don't know whether it is the writer at the Herald or the documents themselves, but I find it hilarious how it says, "The new passages allege Kennedy, 29 at the time, was on a tour of Chile, Mexico and other surrounding countries . . ." Chile, Mexico, and other srurrounding countries? That's like saying Massachusetts, Arizona, and other surrounding states.

- Again, to reiterate: your brother, is the President of the United States. Leader of the Free World. Most powerful person on the planet. And you, his brother, invite the limo driver who works at the embassy to come party with you at the whore house that you have just rented out. I guess that is how you get the reputation as a man of the people?
- Lastly, if you are traveling Latin America or as they put it "the region" ie. the places in and around Mexico and Chile,  I would say if you are looking for some real Latin fire, Chile is not the place to rent out a brothel. Said activity should be done in a Colombia or Brazil, where the latinas are straight fuego.

With that being said, this is a pretty awesome informative video on something that is very popular in Santiago called, "Cafe con Piernas" which translates to "coffee with legs." They are coffee shops that are dotted throughout the city, where all the waitresses are scantily clad or are in nothing but a thong and serve you coffee, juice, and other non-alcoholic beverages. It is thought that these sprung up as a result of the end of the military dictatorship in Chile in 1990 as an escape in a very conservative society. Unfortunately I can't embed the video but this is the link: 

PS. Again, as my mom states, Ted was the original Charlie Sheen. Switching gears slightly, has anyone thought that this whole Charlie Sheen, crazy drug addict wild man routine is all just in an effort to boost DVD sales of Major League and move Rick Vaughn into legend status?

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