
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sunday morning tv movie: new most underrated movie on the market

Grand Champion, is a character driven piece about a boy, his steer, his single-mom and little sister and their journey to raise a cow and bring it to the grand championship in Texas. It stars Adam Sandler's girlfriend in Big Daddy (playing the mother), Julia Roberts (a hotel receptionist) and Bruce Willis (a richer who wants to buy the cow). Julia Roberts and Bruce Willis are in it for all of like 2 minutes. So random.

Expect classic laugh out loud lines like this:
(context, Buddy's black friend Edgar stows away in their car in order to come with them to the grand championship and is discovered by Buddy's mom)
"Edgar, your mom is going to tan your be-hind when you get back home for this."
"How's she gonna do that Ms. Momma? I'm already tan."

The one thing I would say is that in a character-driven piece like this I would have liked to see more personality from Hokey the Steer, he was lacking.

(90% of the reason I wrote this post was because I had an itchin' to use the term 'character driven piece' in a sentence and to share that quote by Edgar, sorry to subject you to my simple mind.)

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