
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Puppy Pic of the Day

Welcome to our first installment of Puppy Pic of the Day. It will probably be one of like two pics of actual puppies because I doubt you want to see the same puppy over and over again from different angles. Or maybe you do. But as of two seconds ago Greg by way of the gchat just gave me THE BEST IDEA EVER for a segment sooooo I really don´t give a poop if Puppy Pic of the Day dies a quick silent painless death.

This is Jaime. The day Jaime arrived I started busting the balls of the hostel owner about there being no hostel dog. Then Jaime arrived. Jaime was awesome until she developed a strong fascination with my shoes.

 Being a puppy in a hostel is probably a top ten thing that you can be in the world. Right up there with being the bullpen cop at Fenway Park just fist bumpin´ the shit out of Papelbon on a nightly basis.

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