
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back in the Dirty

And by that I mean Santiago, Chile and by no means is it dirty, it´s actually probably one of the cleanest cities I´ve ever been to.

So clean you can sleep like this with your mouth on the sidewalk and not even care.

Right to the point: not too sure how or where to start with trying to describe my travels but I was hit by a stroke of genious:

I think to start with, to get back in the swing of things writin´ wise I am going to break it down into three pillars of the trip:

1) Puppy Pic of the Day. I don´t know why but everywhere we have gone there seems to be a new puppy, so I have a lot of puppy pics.

2) Chilean food. Dear lord, Chilean food is miserable. I´m thinking about opening a cooking school down here called ¨There´s more to life than pan and palta¨

3) Hilarious American t-shirt from the 90´s that somehow made it´s way down here.

The only problem with this foolproof plan is I think I already ruined it because I already used up all my puppy pics in the Argentina fb album I just put up. However I just made an executive decision to expand Puppy Pic of the Day to include stray dogs except it will keep the same name due to the nice alliteration I´ve got going on. Done and Done.

I will also try and find someway to try and rehash some of my Argentine travels, but we will cross that bridge when I am ready. Kapeish?

ps. I´ve got one similar to my BC/ND post, except without the graphic photos.

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