
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The only reason I am happy my backpack got stolen is because I get to post this but I am not that happy because this video came out so long ago and already had it's 5 minutes of fame.

This was written preemptively in case my backpack gets stolen, which it has not but my camera has. Fuck that person. I hate future crime. but I digress:

Now substitute:
. . . For "some dude" . . . The Chilean next to me
. . . For "from the car" . . . The bus
. . . For "I don't know why someone would do that" . . . Because it's fucking valuable
. . . For "It had superheros on it" . . . Pictures of a chinese jewish kid napping, salt lagoon water aerobics, giant snot rockets, sick ill nasty black and white photos and cyan, nudity, stray dogs, and other activities in the driest desert in the world.
. . . For "It had some of my Halloween candy in it and PSP" . . . Priceless photos of Ben and me and just Ben because whenever we used a camera to take a picture together we used mine and I had all the pics of Ben on my camera and he has all the pics of me on his camera.

(From Ben's camera. Tear.)

Oh by the way, I was away for the week with Ben in the north, hence no writing was done. And going forward the blog will likely suffer do this unfortunate turn of events. It's like my main scorer has just gone down and I've got to find another way to put the biscuit in the basket.

"Larry Bird is not walking through that door, fans. Kevin McHale is not walking through that door, and Robert Parish is not walking through that door. And if you expect them to walk through that door, they're going to be gray and old. What we are is young, exciting, hard-working, and we're going to improve. People don't realize that, and as soon as they realize those three guys are not coming through that door, the better this town will be for all of us because there are young guys in that (locker) room playing their asses off. I wish we had $90 million under the salary cap. I wish we could buy the world. We can't; the only thing we can do is work hard, and all the negativity that's in this town sucks. I've been around when Jim Ricewas booed. I've been around when Yastrzemski was booed. And it stinks. It makes the greatest town, greatest city in the world, lousy. The only thing that will turn this around is being upbeat and positive like we are in that locker room... and if you think I'm going to succumb to negativity, you're wrong. You've got the wrong guy leading this team.

RIP camera.

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