
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The most badassest crosswalk light in the world

This is outside the Presidential Palace, La Moneda. What's funny is that it is a four-way intersection but only one of the crossing lights is like this. What's not funny is that sometimes a little car appears on the little guy's screen while he is running and hits him and there is blood everywhere.

Also did you notice that they completely did away with blinking red? An aggresive street crosser like myself could be thrown off by that, especially if I don't take seriously how the crosswalk man is speeding up his walking style.

PS. I think it was modeled after the runner in QWOP

double PS. I just realized that QWOP got its name because it is the combination of keys you use. I am a dumbass. I also contest that it is pronounced Q-WOP.

Greg just informed me that in Seattle they have what are called, "Crosswalk flags" where when you cross the street you hold a flag in the air for your safety and then put it in the holder on the otherside. It is not quite possibly the dumbest thing in the world, it is the dumbest thing in the world. It's shit like this that makes me lose faith in humanity. Instead of relying on our basic senses to keep us out of trouble we now have more and more fail-safes to protect us and I think the danger is that we become dependent. and complacent 

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