
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Teesside man dies after downing pint of vodka

A man died after downing a pint of vodka in four seconds, an inquest heard.

This is sad, however that is not what comes to my attention. When I read this what jumped out at me was the quote that one of his friend's told to the investigators, "Richard drank a pint of vodka in 4 seconds or so." To me, from this quote the or so is what really sticks out. Obviously this was some form of contest that they were holding and one of them said he couldn't do it and he said he could. I bet they know damn well the exact amount of time it took to drink that vodka. There's no "or so" in these types of things. I still remember from two years ago when someone did a shotgun/chug/funnel in 16 seconds.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

While on the subject . . .

Another great craigslist ad, actually kind of clever:

The Coffee Store

I went to a coffee shop the other day to do some work. I got a Coke there. Ironic? Maybe, or maybe I just don't completely understand how to use the term ironic.

Anyway, they had a list of all the different coffee flavors, the guy wouldn't let me take a picture of the different flavors, I don't know why. They're listed on the website: Is it me or do they seem like all different crazy names for different types of pot and not coffee?

Little known The Coffee Store fact: the password for the internet is "costa rica tico." A new kind of subliminal marketing maybe?

Update: Thursday is national coffee day in the US: was good enough to lend us some insight on the top coffee drinkers by profession:
let me reiterate- super insightful and by no means a symbol of why the Globe is tanking.

Buenos Aires picture of the day

Filming season 3 of Jersey Shore in Buenos Aires.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Check out the event

Among my tasks I am one of the administrators of the fb fan page and fb group page for Democracia Global. I just made the event for our event. If I could describe what the event is going to be like only two words come to mind: Gong show.

Doin' big thangs. Ideally, if I have my way during all the conferences and debates this song will be playing in the background, or at least just the horn and siren.

Right now I am the only one attending, 8 not attending, and 827 awaiting response. This reminds me of the "Wrestlers and the Divas who love them" party, which was heavily attended. Somewhere floating around out there is a picture that has yet to surface of me standing in my underwears in a bucket of jello which little andy made ever so lovingly the night before with my hands tied behind my back preparing to wrestle. I should probably add undefeated jello wrestler to my resume. in bold.

Música addendum

I'm going to do something magical for you guys, you can thank me later via an endless supply of camouflaged busch light cans and new pj pants. Through the miracle of technology I have made a playlist of all the music that I added to the blog. It is accessible to anyone with a mouse and can click on this link (not even making you guys have to double click):

Save this link, bookmark it, write it on your hand, or put it in a pink notebook that you sleep with under your pillow.

Now whenever I add a song to my blog I will also add it to the playlist. If you so choose to use this playlist and please use it wisely, you obviously will have the option to add and delete your own songs. Shit just got real.

(Remember Camo Busch cans are only seasonal so stock uppppppp)


Shalom, this one here is a group from Chile. It is really very interesting to see that there is little cultural exchange between Argentina and Chile. Could be stubborness. Could also be the thousands of mountains that comprise the Andes and separate the two countries. They both have a very unique identity, I would almost say that the Argentineans consider themselves a bit more aloof over the Chileans. They feel that they are more cultured and refined, just like me.

(All take the slightly more sketch, relaxed attitude of Chile thanks.)

What I'm doing kinda. Part 1ish

So this has been a long time coming.

I'm working with a group down here called "Democracia Global." DG is an NGO that is associated with the WFM, UNPA, and PARLATINO.

You should have no idea what any of those letters stand for, except for maybe DG because I referred to it in the sentence before and what an NGO is. The rest for the most part are unrecognizable because they are Non-Governmental Organizations that work for far-reaching idealistic goals. In a nutshell Democracia Global is a team of about 12 volunteers, the majority Argentinean with a girl from the Galapagos, myself, Quintin from BC who graduated in 09, and now 3 girls from USCB. We are fearlessly led by Georgina, who is the lynchpin to the operation, Fernando Pedrosa, who is the face of the organization and co-presidente, I believe he spends a lot of time travelling, especially to Europe, and last but not least Fernando Iglesias who is the ying to Pedrosa's yang as Co-pres of DG and he is a national Diputado for Argentina, basically the equivalent of a Congressman in the US.

The main pillars/goals of DG are the following in no particular order:
- Regional integration of Latin America--> this is a very interesting concept, one that I actually kind of like to deal with but obviously cannot lend very much expertise to. The idea is that since Latin America shares a geographic area, common language (with the large exception of Brazil and a few small French countries), similar cultures and economies it makes sense to form a unified whole. In addition to the many commonalities it would strengthen the bargaining power of Latin American countries when dealing with other world powers like the US and China. And in terms of defense it never hurts to have helluva lot of guys on your side. On the flipside there are an incredible number of challenges to ever obtain this state. The one that always comes to mind for me is the amount of division and internal turmoil in certain countries (Colombia) and inability of the government to maintain control. Another immediate reason is why would more succesful countries want to shoulder the burden of very poor countries, most recent example being Haiti? The European Union is the main model that is used for this discussion.

- Reform of international organizations--> As it stands most of the international organizations in particular the UN is controlled by the countries with money, or to simplify it even further the US. Countries that may have an ass load of people but no economy do not have much say in terms of world affairs, ie Latin America. DG would like to see a worldwide Democractic system where the UN is a parliament, comprised of representatives from countries directly in proportion to the number of people in the country. As an American, the system is obviously better for us as it is, therefore I am trying to foil the efforts of DG in this respect.

- Federalism--> this is a strange confusing term. However, I feel it is increasingly relevant in our increasingly global world [thesis?]. No, but if you think about it as everything is moved across borders- goods, people, technology, tacos, it becomes harder and more cumbersome to try and regulate everything- ie. something is a crime here but not there, it would help to have a bodies in place to help control/regulate (this goes hand in hand with the regional integration of Latin America, just think on a bigger scale). Instead of having just local government and national government add that third or fourth layer of supranational government. Again, I don't know how i feel about this, loss of sovereignty, too many bodies to answer to. However, this is a very attractive idea in terms of problems that need worldwide cooperation- ie. if climate change is in fact happening thus far no country is really willing to take the lead because they are afraid they will fall behind in terms of production ability, etc. If there was a body in place that mandated everyone to take the same first steps this could help attack the problem.

-Human rights--> I think if you are a non-profit organization you have to say you are working for this too.

With that brief but confusing overview behind us I can explain exactly what I am doing. most of the work we have been doing is geared toward an event which starts this week it is called "Diez Dias de Democracia Global." During the 10 Days will be a series of meetings, discussions, and panels between groups trying to reach these goals. We basically act as a hostess (I chose to say hostess because if we are going to want to have any success we will need that feminine touch).

Yesterday we did some scouting out of the different rooms in the national Congress that we will be using for the event, I've included a few of the pictures below. Unfortunately the lights were off in most of the rooms so it is hard to see.

this is the front of the National Congress

northeast corner

This is the logo for the senate, "Senado de la Nacion," looks kinda like the notre dame logo don't it?

In our event first up is the Parlatino, which is a regional parliament for Latin America, they don't have any real power to do stuff as far as a I know but what there existence does is start a dialogue for regional integration. By being in existence it gets the ball rolling on the different countries meeting, interacting, learning from each other and working together for common goals. Ideally eventually they would gain real legislative power and not just be a consultive organization.

this is where the Diputados meet to make laws while they smoke cigs even though they passed a law against smoking in government buildings

Once those knuckleheads finish up the UNPA- United Nations Parliamentary Assembly meet. This is the group of people that is working toward making a parliament as part of the United Nations, this will all be in English, which means it will be my time to shine.

this is the peanut gallery where guests of the event can view the debate and discussion below, some of our events will be here

Once the UNPA cacafaces are done the WFM- World Federalist Movement moves in, again in English, again time to shine, and hopefully the guests will be singing my praises.

below. this is where the Senators talk about stuff

another room inside the national congress that we will be using. this lady just saw a ghost.

another room made for our meetings. it's usually used for speed dating between senators.

Alright, that is what I got for now, in the near near future I will try and expand upon what I actually actually do, hopefully today or tomorrow before the event kicks off. I'll try and describe some of the differeent tasks I do on a daily basis.

Friday, September 24, 2010


So I meant to take pictures yesterday of the Congreso where I go on a regular basis to do stuff. Important stuff. Take what you are doing and times that by two and that's the level I'm at. I didn't take the pictures and I'm not going over today so you are going to have to wait on an actual real post with substance about what I am doing. For the moment you are going to have to suffer through some more mindless entertainment. Deal with it.

BC is playing Vigirinia Tech this week which allows me to post VT's entrance in their home stadium which I find to be sickk, like bird flu sick, the kind of sick that is supposed to wipe out the population of the earth. Whatever happened to that? or Ashlee Simpson for that matter?

Anyway this is how you enter a stadium.

Please compare to the entrance of Colo Colo, a soccer team in Chile. Joe and I actually saw the Chilean national team play Uruguay here last year (omg Diego Forlan). We missed the beginning of the game because we were too busy strapping liquor to our balls. I chose this video to compare due to the parallel camera work in the entrance tunnel. Please note the considerably more liberal use of pyrotechnics. I don't think Latin Americans fans care as much about the game as the chance to burn down the stadium. I also think by getting rid of soccer you would solve Santiago's smog problem.

At one point the annoucer says, "hay ambiente en el estadio" which translates to "there is atmosphere in the stadium." I'm glad he said that because when I was watching this I couldn't tell if the fans were excited or not.


Sweet glasses dude.

I bring you yet another song that is huge down here right now. For a Friday treat I provided a song in English . . or you can interpret this as a cop out on my part which is probably more accurate.

I remember this one from senior week, wait, actually that's a lie. I don't remember this one from senior week. But after I got home it was on like 6 playlists that people made on my computer and I then I imagined us listening to it during senior week and thought about how much we probably liked it. Oddly enough I can't picture Gerg dancing to this, I think it's because my lasting image of Gerg dancing is to this song: On multiple occasions it would be like 2:30 in the morning and the bass would just be shaking the walls while I tried to sleep, literally the heavy bass part, which comes in waves every 25 secondsish, was all you could hear. (Actually when I downloaded this song a few months ago I played it on my big speakers and stood in the other room with the door closed so I only heard bass to make sure this was in fact the right song.) Anyway, I would go downstairs and there would be one person, semi-coherent on the couch and Gerg, beer in hand, just walkin it out across the living room. He'd be doing his little two-step fancy foot thing combined with a phenomenal head bob.

Post. Script. This is really really random but I have that invite to "the day the superfans stop saying 'eagles first down . . bitch!'" I kind of want to make an event "the day after the day the superfans stop saying first down . . . bitch" because everyone is going to be all riled up and excited about their successful campaign and then I too can be noble and righteous and get my panties in a bunch and lead the masses against something silly.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Ayer la vi- Yesterday I saw you

The masses have spoken. Due to popular demand, ie I talked with Jen and she is a fan of pop raeggaton after her service trip to Guatemala, I am going back to my roots with this selection. I think this song hasn't quite made it big yet, but if my judgement of latin american music is worth a salt, this song is gonna be huge. I'm going to take Angel y Khriz to the next level, expand their fan base to the key demographic- middle class white people age 22-54 in the US. I'm sure they will thank me for the free publicity later.

Good lines/imagery, "bella como el sol y mar" . . . "pretty like the sun and sea"
(initially that was the only line I could remember, so that is how I tried to find it on google which didn't really pan out, just kept coming back with Pablo Neruda poems, which I will use to cleverly segway to the fact that recently I bought a book of pablo neruda poetry for a dollar. Stefan= cultured. or I still feel guilty about throwing up ouside his house last year)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I would love to be in this interrogation

Caged: Drug Parrot Lorenzo the Lookout
11:05am UK, Saturday September 18, 2010

Adam Brown, Sky News Online

A parrot that Colombian police claim was trained to act as a lookout for a drugs gang has been caged in the Caribbean coastal city of Barranquilla.

Police Commander Fredy Veloza said Lorenzo had been taught to squawk a warning as security forces approached.

"We have a parrot that, as soon as the police arrived to the street in Barranquillita, the parrot alerted the people who were there by yelling, 'Run! Run!' so the people would run away," he said.

Despite Lorenzo's alarm call, police detained two suspected drug traffickers and seized weapons, a stash of marijuana and two other birds.

The birds were handed over to animal officials who said they have been given more than 1,000 birds trained as lookouts.

For decades, drug cartels have used Barranquilla as a staging area to smuggle illicit drugs north to the US.

A few things to take away from this story:

1. Lorenzo can really roll his r's.

2. It sounds like somewhere out there is a Guantanamo Bay where suspected bird criminals are being held.

3. Although this story is incredibly stupid, British people can still make it sound semi-intelligent.

Buenos Aires picture of the day

So I initially saw this restaurant my first week here. It's called "Palacio de la Papa Frita," if you don't now what that means you are a dumbass*. It's on this street called "Lavalle" that is pedestrians only and just littered with stores, coffee shops, restaurants, arcades, street vendors, etc etc.

When I took this picture I didn't even notice it, but look what is the neighbor of the French Fry Palace, a Burger King! How awesome is that. Obviously I need to get my hamburger from the King and then go over and get my fries at the Palace. This is like one of those marriages, like Ferdinand and Isabella, that joins separate empires for total dominance.

Would it be safe to say that after eating this combination you may need a royal flush?
(somewhere Joe Monahan is saying, "I fucking hate you Stefan")

*after posting this I realized "dumb ass" is spelled without a space, luckily I can go back and edit this to avoid looking like a fool

Monday, September 20, 2010


This is the most annoying song on the radio. double period. It's actually the number one song in Argentina and most of Latin America and I think it has been for weeks. It's Everywhere. There is no escaping it. I hope this gets stuck in everyone's head and you can't get anything done this week.

That being said, we need someone to name their child Yolanda, one so that we can say we know someone with a kid named Yolanda and two for when Yolanda acts up, we can say "yo Yolanda, be cool my baby"

Sunday, September 19, 2010


The Shankees had their first win yesterday to bring our record to 1-2. We played in the Estadio Nacional de Beisbol, which was neat with a dash o attached. Due to our team's inability to hit for power or contact, I was moved from lead-off and made my debut in the power hitting 4 hole. Came through with a couple hits, couple RBIs but in the end I'm not a huge fan of batting clean-up.

As explained to me, the Estadio Nacional de Beisbol was constructed in 1978 by the military who were in power at the time. The dimensions are HUGE. It's 393 down the lines which is just ridic. They actually added a secondary fence about 30 feet or so inside of the outfield wall to make it smaller. To give my ig'nant female readers a better understanding it's only 310 down the left field line to the green monster in Fenway and 306 to the Pesky Pole. The reason why they made this stadium was for public relations both within the country and internationally. Anytime the military grabs power there is most likely going to be some violence, bloodshed, curfews, and overall shady practices, hence the need to create some buena onda, positive vibes, and national pride with the people. Argentina has had it's fair share of military take overs and dictators, resulting in widespread murders and disappearances, probably by 1978 they had made a lot of soccer stadiums so they went with something a bit different this time.

We played the Koreans, which was kinda crazy. It was a team of Korean immigrants, they could speak both Korean and Spanish. This was particularly amusing because our team understands/speaks Spanish but not Korean, yet when the coach wanted them to steal he would say it in Spanish, which we understood leading to a couple of pick-offs.

It's strange, just like in the US, most of the Asians live in Chinatown in Buenos Aires and a lot of them own/operate supermarkets. There are big chain supermarkets where I get my meat and stuff from but the Chinese supermarkets are everywhere and they are cheaper but a little sketchier. For example I've been told not to buy meat/dairy from them because they turn off the refrigerators at night to save money. It is a good place to buy your beer.

Question: if you buy your food from a Chinese supermarket does that make all the food you buy Chinese food?

I digress . . .

Back to the Stadium

Sweet-ass features of the Estadio:
- Fenway Park green
- Toothbrush lighting a la the field formerly known as Jacobs
- well-maintained

Stupid features:
- There is only one doorway onto the field area and it is directly behind homeplate, so you can't go through it during an inning and anytime anyone comes through it there is no way for them to close the door once they are on the field, therefore a passed-ball skips right through the doorway.
- Building a stadium that was initially 450 feet to center field
- Home dugout is on the 3rd base line (just a pet peeve of mine)

Amusing cultural tidbit of the day:
- I wanted to buy seeds from the concession stand so I asked my teammate from Venezuela, Gobbo, (that's the nickname for Gabriel and a good one for a third baseman, who gobbles up ground balls, get it?) how to say "sun flower seeds" we spent 2 minutes getting me to say it correctly with pronunciation and everything "semillas de girasol." I go to the concession stand to try and get them and the guy was like WTF? Eventually he understood and he was like "you mean "pibas." Pibas is the word they use in Argentina. I go back and I explain to Gobbo that they didn't have any and that the guy didn't know what I was talking about at first. Gobbo was like well that's because they call them "pibas" here we call them semillas de girasol in Venezuela. Thanks Gobbo.

Does this look like a chocolate bar that should have cost me almost 5 bucks?

I had a long-ass day earlier this week and I bought this big chocolate bar. I was pretty out of it mentally when I bought it but I did think something was a little funky when it cost 18.50 pesos . . . about $4.60. I asked the guy but lacked the knowledge of chocolate bar prices to call him out directly. My only point of reference is that I can buy over a pound of steak for the same price. I think I should stick with the steak.

(Chocolate bar with sneaker size 9)

I bought it from the "maxikiosco" on the corner by where I live. A maxikiosco is like a little 7-eleven, some of them advertise that they are open 25 hours a day. Just like Nuts-5-Nuts, they seem to like to take a brand or company in the US and then one up them so it makes no sense.

My favorite Maxikiosco is one by the Congreso, (the place where all the national Diputados work). I was walking back one afternoon this week and stopped to get a soda. You can still get soda in glass bottles down here which everyone knows tastes a thousand times better. They aren't even twist offs, they have a bottle opener there for you. I don't know how to say bottle opener so I usually just make an African tribal clicking sound with my mouth and a bottle opening motion with my hands. Anyway you may be wondering why this is my favorite maxikiosco. It's because the maxicioscker (maxiciosco guy) gives great advice. I grabbed a coca-cola light from the fridge and he was like "you sure you want that, that's light" and i was like "ya, i went to the gym today, i need to keep my figure" and patted my belly a couple of times. Then he was like "noo, don't worry about that, it's all about your personality and your heart" and he came out from behind the counter and slapped his big belly a couple of times.

Then we both stood there slapping our bellies.

We connected and he gives good advice.

Franklin's Latin American family

I found Franklin's family. They were outside the Buenos Aires Zoo. Most of them looked like real hood rats, tryin to make that paper. Gotta bring home that milk . . .

Thursday, September 16, 2010


This is an oldie but goodie. I remember this from my study abroad days way back when. If I were you I would ignore the music video- no idea what is going on, something about little red riding hood . . anyway I think it detracts from the song. (Now that I said that I realize you are going to have to watch it twice because the first time you are obviously going to try and decipher the video).

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I think some of us could use a laminated copy of this to keep in our pocket

Gay friendly

Two different times I've been watching music videos on youtube and this ad for a Buenos Aires hotel popped up:
It might be time to reevaluate the music i listen to.

Further evidence of Buenos Aires' openness:

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


BC student charged with armed robbery

A 22-year-old Boston College student was arrested for armed robbery after he beat a convenience store clerk with a gun and then looted the register, police said.

The robbery happened more than a month ago when a man wearing a hooded sweatshirt and sunglasses stormed into the Tedeschi’s Food Shop on Beacon Street in Brighton about 5 a.m. on Aug. 13 . . .

The robber then dropped the gun but managed to retrieve it in time to demand the store’s cash, and shout “Where’s the (expletive) coffee?” before threatening to return if the clerk called cops, according to a police report . . .

George Michael going to jail

Only the most important news stories make their way down here:

El artista británico estrelló su carro el pasado 4 de julio contra una tienda de fotografía en Londres.

George Michael fue condenado tras haberse declarado culpable de conducir bajo la influencia de las drogas y posesión de marihuana.

El cantante, cuyo verdadero nombre es Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, estaba presente el tribunal para escuchar su sentencia.

Las acusaciones estaban relacionadas con un accidente ocurrido en la madrugada del 4 de julio, cuando Michael estrelló su vehículo contra la fachada de una tienda de fotografía del elegante barrio londinense de Hamstead (norte de Londres), cerca de su hogar.

El cantante, que estaba también en posesión de marihuana para su uso personal, fue arrestado y posteriormente puesto en libertad bajo fianza.

No es la primera vez que Michael, que se dio a conocer en los años 80 con el dúo Wham! antes de iniciar una exitosa carrera en solitario, tiene problemas con las drogas y la justicia.

En 2007 fue condenado a dos años de retirada del permiso de conducir y a 100 horas de trabajos comunitarios tras haberse declarado culpable de conducir bajo la influencia de las drogas.

Michael, ganador de dos premios Grammy, ha vendido hasta la fecha más de 100 millones de discos en todo el mundo.


In honor of Mr. Michael, he will be our musical selection for the day:
(I had no idea what race he was while it was in black in white during the whole beginning.)

George Michael - Faith (Official Music Video). Watch more top selected videos about: George Michael

also this is too ridiculous not to include, it is painful: who would ever think of combing these two songs??

Creepy Buenos Aires picture of the Day

These music stands are filled with hay. Why? It's called ART. It wouldn't kill you guys to go to a museum once in a while.

PS- imagine it with a horse eating out of each of the music stands, that would be creepy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Baseball has been berry berry good to me"

- Sammy Suser.

I'm on an ex-pat baseball team in a league here. Apparently some mlb teams scout the upper division, like the brewers- no wonder they suck . . . Ex-pats really seem to lose it mentally after a little while. For instance: the guy who runs the team picks us up in this little VW hippy van and always brings his 8 year old son to the game. I sat shotgun with the guy last week, he's got a bottle of jack on the seat between us. we're at a railroad crossing waiting to go and he takes a pull and hands it to me to finish off. he says to me as i'm sitting there with a broken seatbelt, "i usually take a valium on game days in the morning, there's just so much pressure and shit for me to deal with. but i didn't have any more so i had to go straight to the booze today." he also teaches the 4th grade.


So this is a song that I heard somewhere, liked it, it's got them hawt beats. Of all the songs I've found it's the only one I couldn't find on grooveshark so I've just had the youtube tab open, now I can close it. I'm not sure why whoever put this video up chose to have a creepy-ass leprechaun with mittens on for the background, as far as I can tell leprechauns are not mentioned in the song and overall don't appear a whole lot in the culture.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

my room

This is a picture of my room. I am actually quite embarrassed by how messy it is. It usually isn't like this, I think I lost my subway pass so I emptied every bag I had onto the floor and my desk to find it. It is cleaner now (*cough*). The important thing to note is the position of the TV on the floor. Initially, when I moved in the TV was on the desk. This left me no room to use the desk, so I moved it to the floor and put a book I finished under it to give it a little angle up. The problem is that if something good is on I can't watch it from bed. And no, I can't just sleep facing the other way, the sheets are tucked in on that side. Sunday night football was on tonight, not about to miss out on the treat. Problem solved:
note: objects in mirror in photo are larger than they appear

Yanqui business partner

This is another craigslist ad that I came across a while back. I've also copied and pasted the text below:

Looking for yanqui business partner (Buenos Aires)

Date: 2010-08-19, 1:29PM ART

Hi, I´d like to meet an american to start a business. I´m totally discriminating against argentines because they are lazy (and I know it because I´m argentine -not lazy though).
Anyway, if you think that this is the land of ooporunities but nobody is doing anything about it, e-mail me; I´d love to meet you
PS: Please, do not reply if your idea of business includes: drugs, hokers, and illegal things in general.
_ _ _ _

You are probably wondering how I have not entered into business with this guy. I really don't know, I've had many sleepless nights in regards to this missed opportunity.

Part of what I am doing for Democracia Global (DG) takes me into the Argentinian Congress a few days a week. Basically myself along with the two other girls Jesi and McKenzie from California go and try and get signatures from the "Diputados" for the UNPA Campaign. This is where it gets tricky: when I go into an office I try and avoid saying what the UNPA is because it is a mouth full and at first I couldn't even remember what the initials stood for let alone spit it out in Spanish. I turn red in the face very easily and the first 10 times I had to say, "el establecimiento de una Asamblea Parlementaria en las Naciones Unidas" I failed miserably. We work out of one of the Diputados office, Fernando Iglesias, who is a bigwig with DG. Anyway, it is just like the State House in Boston where I have spent many a day. The Diputados are never actually available, they are just not there, or are "in a meeting," or are "out in the region" 99% of the time, aka you never really see them and only talk to their staff who are "asesores"- aides (not to be confused with "ascensores"- elevators). So I basically visit the same offices over and over again and talk to the asesores to remind them to get it signed. which means I get to know them a bit.

This has led to my first business venture, which has not quite gotten off the ground yet. One of the chiefs of staff of a Diputado, his family, has a vineyard in Mendoza which is big time wine country. They are basically a small operation at this point, mostly within the region, only in a few restaurants but would love to expand. He has asked me to find contacts in the US who may be interested. They would send up some bottles for free to be tested out to see if they like the product and would be interested in purchasing it. This works out fairly well since the North End has more restaurants than people. So, I've contacted Costa's dad who owns two restaurants and is going to a wine tasting soon and will hopefully get some info from importers at the event. The only problem is Daniel, the wine guy here, has not gotten back to me since I emailed him to get some more information on the wine to send up to Costa's dad. Basically, I'm afraid that what the Argentine said in his craigslist post about fellow argentines might be true and this cool thing will be done before it had a chance to get going.

At the very least I am looking to get a free trip to Mendoza and some wine out of this..

my name is McAndrew

I spend some time going through craigslist looking at job opportunities, to supplement what I am doing with Democracia Global, the problem is because I am still unsure about how long I am going to be here it is difficult to find suitable work. I'm still not sure if I am just looking to make a buck or two or if I want a long term career building position. That being said this is definitely one of my favorite ads that I came across:

Do I do it? It's for U$ monies.

PS- I like the description of Mel Gibson- "CEO, puppet, narrative, etc."

Sittable Space

This will be about the most academic this blog gets. I call the inspiration for these picture, "PL21601: Boston an Urban Analysis." Joe, Greg, and I took this course last spring, gave some epic class presentations that included mini pool cues, costume changes, but excluded talking about rape. One of the concepts we covered was the idea that for a successful open areas in an urban environment, sittable space is key. Basically, people do not necessarily settle for classic spots to sit down, ie. benchs or tables but actually prefer places that are in the paths of where people walk, congretate, or offer a good place to people watch. Many of the most successful places where people hang out turn out to be simple low walls/ledges or even stairs. This is a picture of a small plaza a few blocks from where I live. As you can see in these pictures, the designer of the plaza chose not to embrace this concept.

I took these pictures earlier today, a little bit later I went to a bar and watched the Patriots game. Fuckin Latin America only had the broadcast of 7 of the 9 games at one o'clock. Ghet-to, with a capital G. There was a good size crowd of people watching the game, basically all Americans (not to be confused with All-Americans). It's cool to watch the game down here except I wouldn't call it your classic football watching crowd. ie. most of the guys had jeans on that were tighter than the jeans the girls were wearing. g-damn hipsters.
Fun idea: embrace my background as a BC grad, infamous with it's association with sports gambling and a things or two that I know from the North End to start a small sports card. In the North End there used to be a gambling card where for 10 bucks you picked 4 teams on Sunday to beat the spread. If you win, the payout is $100. If I go to this bar enough, there might be some potential to get this going, who knows. Just a fun thought in my simple mind.

Saturday, September 11, 2010


For all you kiddies who have just finished a solid afternoon of drinkin at the game and might be making your way to a fine establishment like Mary Ann’s later tonight, I share with you a song that is really popular right now down here. They play it all the time on the top 40 station "40 Principales." The beauty of all this Spanish music is if you don’t know the words you can just make up the meaning.

If you are wondering, this is what my bus rides are really like, all of them.

So, since I'm out of the loop musically please send me shit to listen to. We'll see how long I can take listening to the same beat over and over again down here.

Irish Goodbye

As most of you guys know, I’m in Argentina. For those of you who don’t know, I’m in Argentina. I just found out via because Meg and Katie “liked” it that it's called an “Irish Goodbye” when you leave without telling anyone. I think this is mostly related to bars and parties. I’ve expanded it’s meaning to include international travel. On the level of the bar/party scale, I think Pat Barr and I over four years established our dominance at this technique. However, every single one of my roommates proved skilled in this at Commencement Ball.

I’m taking over this blog that Joe created a year and a half ago and wrote many extensive posts on. Ideally, I would change the name to US vs Chile vs Argentina, but I don’t know how. So your going to have to use your imaginations.

A quick hit list to fill in the gap between Joe’s last post and now in chronological order, to accompany your reading:

- we went back to BC to do some more book learnin’

- played buckhunter there

- started a business- Late Late Night, very successful, loyal customer base

- fought the revolutionary war

- I got you guys about 800 dollarsish worth of drinking tickets on my birthday

- bought Little Andy a fire truck, but it was so cool that I became an Indian giver and took it back

- Joe was awarded Hot Dog of the Game

- Ben took a shit and then got arrested at Notre Dame

- walked across the reservoir to Mary Ann’s

- swam back (different night)

- did some strippin’ 2x

- Little Andy established his dominance of the English language

- Joe tried to sleep with me- twice

- Danielle killed the Tomacco/Shamu

- built a hockey rink

- took apart a hockey rink

- smoked crack

- kpmg lost in the championship twice

- sent Joe many pictures from my phone of my green poop that I had in Cancun, as he sat in the desk behind me during Spanish class

- went on a pub crawl with just Greg and we ended the night by saving crazy drunk driver girl’s life

- invented and implemented the game of roofbat (that is resume speak for we made a game called roofbat (it’s all about the action verbs))

- led a parade

- bedazzled and drank away marathon Monday and listened to Joe throw a timeless Animorph reference the next morning into a story he was telling the Kent

- became a substitute ESL teacher, made a few bucks

Pretty random list. If you think of anything throw it in.

Alright, so here’s what I’m thinking for this blog, since I’m still lackin’ in the friends department down here and my baseball game got cancelled today, I’ve got some time to put some stuff up.

Music: I’m going to try and post some sweet beats that they play down here. I obviously brought my discman so I can listen to the radio and nobody wants to rob a discman, even down here. Hopefully put up one or two songs a week.

Pictures: I have taken 3 pictures since I’ve been here, but I’ll take more, maybe. I’m hoping this will give me motivation. Anyway, I’m thinking I will put up only a few pictures of the more random variety on this blog, the rest I’ll eventually put in an fb album.

What I’m doing: What I am doing down here.

Zombie Apocalypse: As we continue to prepare for the zombie apocalypse, I will continue to post the innovations that they are coming up with down here. For those who don’t know, the Southern Cone is the Silicon Valley of Zombie Defense innovation.

Cultural Shit: Idiosyncrasies that I notice.

Quick Hits: I’m thinking about just throwing up a random sentence or two, so I don’t forget about something I saw or happened and someone can ask me about it if they so choose.

Home things: My only contact with home is through the internet and “eskype” as the Spanish speaker puts it. So my news comes through the form of The Herald, blogs, and Toucher and Rich. I’ll probably repost many things I find amusing so then you too can be amused during the day at your various tasks. Joe can still write on this blog and he is still the top youtuber I know whatever side of the Mississippi he is on now, so hopefully he will contribute some sweet stuff.

That is all I can think of for now in terms of an overview, I’ll throw up some actual stuff now.